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Free Read: Help From Above (Second Edition)

September 18, 2009 1 comments

I'm excited to announce that so far I have completed five chapters in my rewrite of Help From Above. Although I've not finished the entire novel, the first five chapters are available for you to read without charge. I've made them available at Authonomy. If you sign up for a free membership there, you'll be able to comment on my novel and add it to your bookshelf so you can keep watching for more chapters, which I'll be adding as I finish writing them. To add Help From Above to your bookshelf at Authonomy, just click "Back the Book."

When I first starting rewriting Help From Above, I thought about re-publishing the second edition. However, because I wanted to share some of my inspiring words with my readers and fans, I later decided that the second edition of Help From Above would be free. I was going to wait until I'd completed the entire novel, but today I decided to go ahead and make the finished chapters available to readers, and then I'll add the additional chapters as each of them become available.

If you enjoy Christian fiction, head over to read the first five chapters of Help From Above today! Again, there's no charge, so for those of you who haven't yet purchased the first edition or were unable to come up with the money to make the investment, you can now read it free. If you did purchase the first edition, you may enjoy this one as well. While the plot remains the same, I have add new text, cut text and the location was also changed.

After you've read the first five chapters, please leave a comment here or at Authonomy with your feedback and/or comments. Nothing you say will hurt my feelings. I love to hear from my readers and criticism only makes me better. After all, I can't learn from my mistakes and make things better if you don't let me know what I did wrong.

Enjoy, spread the word and God bless!

1 comments: to “ Free Read: Help From Above (Second Edition) so far...

  • Jeff King 6:35 PM CDT

    i have not tried to read that type of book before, but i will have to swing over there and give it a look...

    i am on my 5th re-write of my first novel. i have around 8 chapters done and feel pretty good about them (which is a miracle). Hope all goes well for you, and keep us up to date.