Weekend Trip to Rim Rock With the Kids
October 30, 2006 0 comments
This weekend my husband and I took the kids to Rim Rock to enjoy the beauty of the fall colors. Rim Rock is about a 30 to 35 minute drive from our home, and since the kids were asking to go we all loaded in the mini-van and headed to Rim Rock. While at Rim Rock, the kids had a ball, and we all enjoyed the magnificent view! The leaves were yellow, red and orange. The weather was a tad bit cool, but we didn't mind. My youngest son wanted to climb on every cliff he saw. I did allow him climb some of the smaller rocks that weren't far from the ground, but I stopped him from climbing the taller cliffs. It had rained the day before, so I knew the cliffs would be wet and slippery, and that's why I didn't let him get to close to the edge of the high cliffs. You just have to know my youngest son, he loves to climb things. When they play in the yard, I know I can always find him in the tree.
If you live near Rim Rock, or if you're planning a trip to Southern Illinois soon, you've just got to take a drive to Rim Rock. It's so beautiful this time of year! Rim Rock is located on Karbers Ridge Blacktop.
On another note, if you're a writer too, I would like to let you know about a call for writers. As most of you may already know by now, I am a writer for Soaps, and currently, Soaps is looking for back-up writers for all soap operas, and also "Ugly Betty." If you would like to know more about this postion, click here for more details.
That will do it for today. Until next time, take care and God bless you and yours!
Never give up on your dreams -- work toward them,
Misti Sandefur, freelance writer/editor
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