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Phone Interview Tips

March 20, 2008 1 comments

Due to an unexpected situation I had to reschedule my interview with Phil Davis from Authors on the Net. However, he sent me an outline to help prepare me for the interview, and his outline prompted me to share some phone interview tips.

Schedule your phone interview in advance

E-mail or call the person you plan to interview and schedule a date and time in advance. Be sure to find out what time zone they're in and ask what day and time would work best for them. Next, confirm the date and time.

Send an outline to the person you plan to interview

After you've scheduled a date and time for your phone interview, prepare an outline to send to the interviewee via e-mail. Your outline should include the following:

  • Date and time of the interview in their time zone.
  • Calling instructions if they need to call a special number.
  • Your introduction: what you'll say before getting the questions.
  • The questions you plan to ask, and let them know to e-mail you any questions they'd like to add.
Setup the recorder

A few minutes before the scheduled interview you'll want to be prepared, so make sure the recorder is setup in advance.

Confirm the interviewee's answers

Once the interview is finished, transcribe your interview. Next, e-mail the transcript to the interviewee and ask him or her to confirm their answers.

E-mail the interviewee the link to the interview or the file

As soon as you've published the interview, send the link to the interviewee so he or she can promote it on their website, blog, social network profiles and etc. If the phone interview was made into a Podcast interview, send them the file and give them permission to promote it instead.

If you apply the aforementioned phone interview tips, your phone interviews should go much smoothly, because both you and the person you plan to interview will be prepared ahead of time. Do you have any additional phone interview tips to add? Please share them in the comments section below.

1 comments: to “ Phone Interview Tips so far...

  • Anonymous 1:18 AM CDT

    Great!!! These are really good tips for everyone. Fresher engineers must have to keep in mind all above tips. I hope all youngesters will get such kind of more tips in coming days. Once again, really good tips. Lets keep on make aware to all youngersters as they need the real knowadge abt career ,interview tips. Excelant ---Misti