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Upcoming Article for Writers

September 3, 2007 1 comments

Before I began writing tonight, I visited some blogs about freelance writing, and while I was reading them, I ran across a post on Michael Kwan's blog, which I found through ChrisBlogging. As I read Michael's post -- Freelance Writing for a Niche or for the Masses -- I came up with an article idea of my own. In his post, he shared his own experience about what it was like when he first started searching Craigslist for writing jobs. As he discussed his experience, he told his readers how he didn't have "much of a professional portfolio" at that time, but he said he would still offer his services. He went on to say, "Unfortunately, not many of them listened. I even offered to write for free in exchange for some 'exposure,' but without a proper portfolio of work and a series of satisfied customers, they weren't prepared to take a chance on me."

After reading about Michael's experience, as well as relating to him, the idea for my own article hit! He kept talking about not having a portfolio, and lack of this portfolio is what kept him from landing the writing jobs he was seeking. However, he did eventually build a portfolio and increased his chances of landing those writing jobs. Therefore, the article idea that I got was an article for aspiring freelance writers. The article will discuss ways aspiring writers can build a portfolio for themselves. Then, once they've built their portfolio, they may have better luck when they go to apply for writing jobs.

Now for the good news: this article has already been written and submitted. Yes, friends, you read correctly. Not only did Michael's post spark the article idea, but also it inspired me to get my butt in gear and write it right then. I wrote the article and submitted it for publication. So, once my client (The People's Media) has published the article, I will be sure to post the link to it here for all you aspiring writers to read.

Now I'm off to type out a couple more articles, and then I will probably join hubby in bed. Oh yes, thank you so much for the article idea, Michael! And ChrisBlogging, thank you for referring me to Michael's blog! You both provide very valuable information on your blogs.

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1 comments: to “ Upcoming Article for Writers so far...

  • Anonymous 10:05 AM CDT

    Wow, kudos to you for being so on the ball!

    Let us know when we can see the article :)