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Increasing Experience With My First Niche Website

May 6, 2009 1 comments

Before I continue on with my actual topic today, I'd like to send a big cyber hug to Michelle Kafka. While I was searching the Web for one of my previously published articles yesterday (to use as a clip for a writing job I applied to), I came across a blog post on Wow! Women on Writing that had a comment from Michelle. I was pleased when I read that her inspiration to start a portfolio came from me, so thank you so much for the mention, Michelle!

Before I go to sleep, I always say my prayers. As I'm praying, I ask God to bless me with words that will inspire my readers when I sit down to write an article, short story or novel. That said, when I stumble upon kind words expressed about me from my readers and read how I've inspired or helped them, it shows me that the Lord answered my prayer once again. Just reading that I'm an inspiration to Michelle and others motivates me and lifts my spirits! I know I'm doing my job right when someone such as Michelle sees me as an inspiration and/or emails me to let me know how I've helped or inspired them through my writing.

Thanks again, Michelle! You made my night, and I'm so glad that I was able to inspire you. I hope that my writing and blog will continue to encourage you throughout the years. May the Lord answer all your prayers and bless you with an abundance of success!

Moving on to the original topic…

How to Increase Experience on a Topic You Want to Write About

Submit articles to trade magazines, start a blog, create and distribute a free e-zine… those are just a few of the ways writers can increase their experience on an area of expertise. Another way is to create a niche website in the area of expertise they want to build upon. Not only will a niche website help you gain knowledge on the topic you wish to write about, but it could bring in more income for you if you implement Adsense and experiment with affiliate marketing. While you're creating fresh content for your niche website and earning income, too, you'll also be gaining clips to show to potential clients who need a writer on that topic. Just link to a few of your clips, and if they click on the links to view your writing style and voice on the topic, they'll also discover your entire website, and it could land you the writing job.

Announcing My First Niche Website

I've managed to gain several clips related to a few of my specialties, but I don't have very many clips on some of the topics I write about. The downfall to this is I'm unable to show potential clients and editors my true knowledge on the topic if I've not written on it much. Well, no more! I've had plans to build a niche website on one of the topics I enjoy writing on for a while now. However, I have been so busy with other things that I've not found the time to begin work on that site. That is until a few days ago, and I've devoted so much time to that project within the past week that it's almost ready to make its way into Cyberville for everyone to admire.

What's the topic? Shopping! And through Best Online Savings, I'll keep shopaholics updated on the latest bargains. In addition to helping you save money, I'll offer some advice through the online shopping guides that I'll be writing and publishing on my new niche website.

I'm excited about this project, and, of course, I invite you to check it out once it's born. I'll be announcing the site's birth here, on Twitter and in my Christian author newsletter. If you love shopping for bargains on the Internet, then I'll bet you will enjoy Best Online Savings!

Do you have a niche website you update with content to increase your experience on an area of expertise that you've neglected? If so, what's the topic, how has the website helped you and do you have any advice to share on building and/or marketing your writing services with niche websites?

Photo credit: Gideon Strauss

1 comments: to “ Increasing Experience With My First Niche Website so far...

  • Michelle Kafka 6:14 PM CDT

    Congrats to you on putting together your niche website Misti.

    Thank you as you and other writers have been a huge source of courage, wisdom, inspiration, and info. for me.