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A New Look

March 28, 2008 3 comments

As you can see, I gave Life of a Writer a new look! I've been searching a while for a three column template, and I finally found one that I'm quite satisfied with. In case you're looking for something for your Blogger blog, I found my three column template at Blogger Buster.

I've not put my Adsense ads back up in the sidebar yet, but I'm planning to do that soon -- maybe next week. However, at the end of every post, you'll find links to a few social bookmark websites I'm a member of, and I encourage you to click on the links to share any of my posts that you enjoyed or found helpful. At the top, you should see links to my writing services webpage, my portfolio, contact page and my writing resume (all should open in a new window). Above my posts you'll find the links to subscribe to my blog's full RSS feed, and finally, my sidebars include links for writers, links to some of the blogs I read, links to my most recent blog posts, recent comments left by y'all, my blog's archives and categories, and I've even included the widget from Indeed so you can search for writing gigs or any other job you're currently seeking. There's more to come, but I'm going to try to keep my sidebar widgets to a minimum to keep from making my blog look cluttered.

So, tell me, what do you think of the new look? Do you have any suggestions? Please share your feedback and suggestions in the comments area.

3 comments: to “ A New Look so far...