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Broken Promise

July 20, 2007 0 comments

Yes, I know, you were expecting to hear this soon, eh. I did give in and signed up for the free 14-day trial to the Big Brother 8 live feeds. I couldn't resist any longer. However, I'm not watching as often as I did last season, because I know I have writing to do. I watch when I've completed all my work, and I will watch more this weekend since I try to keep my weekends free. Moreover, since I'm done with my writing for now, I'm watching the Big Brother 8 live feeds as I'm typing this. With that said, how about some recaps?

Before I begin blogging the activity on the Big Brother 8 live feeds, let me issue a fair warning … If you don't want to know what's going to happen on the show Sunday, then stop reading now, because the following text WILL include spoilers, as well as reveal the nominees for this week.

Here we go … SPOILERS AHEAD …


It's 8:00 pm BBT (Big Brother Time) and the houseguests are anxiously awaiting a fun night of beer. It hasn't been long since they returned from the nomination ceremony, which the live feed viewers didn't get to see, and it seems BB has promised the Big Brother 8 houseguests beer. Nominees for eviction are Kail and Jen.

Cleaning up and cooking.

Inside the kitchen, the majority of the Big Brother 8 houseguests are cleaning up and preparing lobster for supper. Meanwhile, outside on the patio, Jessica and Jen are chatting about the HOH competition that Evil Dick (ED) won. As they're chatting, ED joins them and the conversation continues. Soon after, Jen changes the subject saying she's OK with it if she goes home, but ED assures her she's safe.

Jessica and Jen chatting on the patio.

8:17 pm BBT: Someone interrupts (not sure who) to announce that the lobster is ready and the beer has arrived! Jessica, Jen and ED join the others inside.

Inside the kitchen, ED, Jessica, Nick, Mike, Eric, Dustin and Zach enjoy a beer. Soon after, everyone expect for Kail grabs a plate and begins chowing down on lobster; Kail is in the Diary Room (DR). Amber makes a short speech to wish Jameka a happy birthday. Everyone applauds and Jameka thanks Amber for her short speech.

Big Brother 8 houseguests chowing down.

That's about it for now as it's mainly table chitchat. Keep watching and I will return to report more later. Until then, enjoy the Big Brother 8 live feed screenshots.

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